KeyForge will celebrate its sixth year since its release this November. Each new Keyforge set released has looked to evolve the game through new card pools, new houses, and new mechanics for players to discover and adapt into their play.
For veteran players, new sets and mechanics brings excitement and keep things feeling fresh as you break into new decks.
However, game advancements can take an increasing toll on new players, as the added layers of complexity can be intimidating when one gets started with the game.
As KeyForge has evolved, one question is often asked of KeyForge players to be: “What set should I start with?”
That question now has a definitive answer!
Today, we are thrilled to introduce KeyForge: Discovery! A gateway to the endless enjoyment that is KeyForge, and the best way for new players to break into the game.
KeyForge: Discovery is a set of more than 300 classic KeyForge cards chosen for their simplicity, intuitiveness, and fun factor. Every unique deck generated from this set provides an easy introduction to the game, with a focus on core game mechanics and only a minimal use of keywords.
There is just enough variety and depth to keep both new and veteran players excited and engaged in discovering what KeyForge has to offer.
Players will call upon the strength of these houses in the set: Brobnar, Dis, Logos, Sanctum, Shadows, Star Alliance, and Untamed.
In KeyForge: Discovery, you won’t see cards making use of enrage, stun, or ward counters, nor will you see expansion mechanics such as the tide, token creatures, or haunted effects. What you will see is an exciting mixture of card combinations pulled from nearly every KeyForge set.
KeyForge: Discovery decks will be tournament-legal.