Number of Players 4-12
ARTICULATE, BUT WEIRDER: Wobbly Hamster! Soapy Cactus! Describe weird word cards in this party game for family and adults.
THAT RINGS A BELL: A fun party game where every time you slip up, the other team rings the board game bell: ding!
MADE FOR GAME NIGHT: Crazy card game combos, a noisy bell and the other team watching your every move… this is the ultimate party game for families, adults and big groups.
THINGS GET INTERESTING: Try avoiding words that begin with C, or doing all your cards in a high-pitched voice. In this adult party game, new challenges keep on coming.
QUICK TO LEARN EASY TO PLAY: Learn in 60 seconds and go! A super-simple party game for family and adults, with all sorts of twists, turns and chances to mix things up.