Now you can play Wordle against your friends!
Take turns writing down a secret 5-letter word and see who can guess it in the fewest tries!
Guess the Wordle in the fewest tries (six max) The fewer tries you need, the fewer points you'll score. At the end of the game, the player with the fewest points wins.
What's Different?
Take turns being the Wordle Host
Each round, the Host writes down a Secret Word that everyone else tries to guess.
Compete to solve the Wordle
Just like classic Wordle, you get six tries to guess the word, but now compete against your friends. Guess the word in the fewest tries, to score the fewest points.
Play in rounds
A game consists of as many rounds as there are players. When every player has hosted, the game ends and the player with the fewest points wins.
New Variations
Timed mode
Guessers taking too long? Have the Host set a 60- or 90-second timer for each guess.
Fast mode
Guessers race to solve the Wordle first rather than in the fewest tries.
Team mode
If you have more than four players (or just want to combine brain power), team up!