Next week's tickets are ONLY made available following the END of the current week's event.
Future tickets are not sold out, they have not been posted. Players must purchase a ticket through the 401 Games website to participate.
Tired of the current Meta? Come try out our event perfect for the more causal player looking to play against decks a bit more fair and balanced.
Start Time: 6:00 P.M.
Capacity: 24 Duelists
Format: Heart of the Underdog - Advanced
Heart of the Underdog is a format using a modified version of the current ban list with the goal of allowing players to be able to play their favourite rogue and pet decks.
Ban list/Decklists: CLICK HERE
Ban list changes happen ONCE every 2 months. Next Change will be in March
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated! Reach out to any Yugioh event staff!
Tournament Structure: 3 Rounds of Swiss
Duelists will all receive 1 OTS Pack on entry! (While Supplies Last)*
3-0-0: 6 Booster Packs of the latest set
2-0-1: 5 Booster Packs
2-1-0: 4 Booster Packs
*if there are no more OTS packs a booster pack decided the store day of will be provided instead
All "tickets" are sold ONLINE. Players must purchase a ticket through the 401 Games portal to participate.
If no "tickets" are available for purchase - Sign up for the RESTOCK NOTIFICATION to be emailed when extra tickets go live.
If you are running LATE to a paid event and have not contacted the event staff 15 MINUTES prior to the start of the event, you will forfeit your spot and no refund will be given.
If you are unable to attend an event and would like to cancel, contact the event desk with 24 HOURS of the event to receive a refund.