Designer : Vegard Eliassen Stillerud, Eilif Svensson, Åsmund Svensson
Number of players : 1 - 6
Playing time : 60 - 90
Recommended ages : 14+
Language : English
In Come Together, you organize your own festival, using your volunteers to attract an audience and the hottest artists, build stages and camps, and gain publicity to make your festival the best of all time!
Come Together is a worker placement game, but with a special twist: When you place workers, you do not immediately gain the card you just claimed. You must wait until a player activates that location (which activates it for all players on that location). Players are constantly facing important dilemmas: One dilemma is whether to claim a card or activate a location. Timing of the activation can be crucial. Another dilemma is whether to claim the card you really want or claim a less attractive card in order gain more publicity by joining players on another location.
The game comes with 35 uniquely illustrated star artist cards, cards with special powers (on the backs of the starting stage cards), 146 more cards, double-sided player boards with asymmetric powers on their backs, 90 printed meeples, 60 printed worker tokens, 18 printed flower power tokens, and much more.